
Gifts / Anticipated succession

It is not necessary to wait with the succession of assets until death. You can already create legal certainty during your lifetime by transferring assets to future heirs (so-called anticipated succession). This often has advantages, e.g. by taking advantage of the new gift tax allowances that arise every 10 years. We draw up the necessary gift contracts for you. Not only the donation of real estate must be notarised, but also other assets (e.g. credit balances in bank accounts, securities accounts, cash). There is often a considerable need for regulation here, e.g. if reserved rights (such as usufruct or housing rights) are desired. It may also be desired that the gift should be revoked under certain circumstances, for example if the donee unfortunately dies, files for insolvency or divorces. The notary’s office also discusses with you questions regarding a possible need for social assistance of the donor (e.g. caused by a need for care) as well as questions regarding a possible inheritance and/or gift tax.

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